Of course it is inevitable to feel a sort of compassion and resentment towards Africa's situation today (and ok, for at least the past couple centuries...). Behind that, much deeper, there's a definite feeling of respect and love for the complex and incredible reality Africa is. I talk about Guatemala being a place of contrast...but Africa really blows your mind: each African country and Africa as a whole reality. You can't find more contrast than that I think, in so many ways!
I've only ever been to Morocco. There is much much much more for me to see, and I will. I have a very dear friend whose name is Gaia; she's an Italian, beautiful, smart, clever, noble, incredible young woman. And she adores Africa. She's been there many times and even learnt Swahili. She carries around her neck a silver-made map of Africa her mom had made for her -and is bothered by the fact that Madagascar isn't on it-. She will dedicate her life to that continent (a continent that is so much more than a place in the world). I am sure she will achieve great things, but I am also certain that there's enough work for a million Gaias to do in trying to improve Africa's current situation.
I don't know why I got the urge to talk about Africa today, I just did. There's so much to say, so much I don't know, so much I can't even begin to understand...
Africa, Africa...

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